A configuration service provider (CSP) is an interface to read, set, modify, or delete configuration settings on the device. If you don't select an option, the rule applies to all network types. Specify a time in seconds between 300 and 3600, for how long the security associations are kept after network traffic isn't seen. To open Windows Firewall, go to the Start menu, select Run , type WF.msc, and then select OK. See also Open Windows Firewall. Default: Not configured Default: Not configured Firewall CSP: FirewallRules/FirewallRuleName/Action, and FirewallRules/FirewallRuleName/Action/Type. This name will appear in the list of rules to help you identify it. * indicates any remote address. Default is All. Here is an example of the log file. Default: Not configured When set to True, you can then configure the following settings for this firewall profile type: Allow Local Ipsec Policy Merge (Device) Default: Not configured When set to Enable, you can configure the following settings: Encryption for operating system drives A subnet can be specified using either the subnet mask or network prefix notation. Default: Not configured Protect files and folders from unauthorized changes by unfriendly apps. Specifies the list of authorized local users for this rule. Default: Not configured Block the following to help prevent email threats: Execution of executable content (exe, dll, ps, js, vbs, etc.) CSP: DisableUnicastResponsesToMulticastBroadcast, Global Ports Allow User Pref Merge (Device) Profiles created after that date use a new settings format as found in the Settings Catalog. False - Disable the firewall. Default: Not configured For example: C:\Windows\System\Notepad.exe or %WINDIR%\Notepad.exe. When you select a configuration other than Not configured, you can then configure: List of apps that have access to protected folders TPM firmware update warning By default, stealth mode is enabled on devices. Configure if end users can view the Firewall and network protection area in the Microsoft Defender Security center. IP address. New rules have the EdgeTraversal property disabled by default. Default: Allow startup key and PIN with TPM. Navigate to Computer Configuration > Administrative Templates > Windows Components > Windows Defender. Default: Not configured LocalPoliciesSecurityOptions CSP: UserAccountControl_BehaviorOfTheElevationPromptForAdministrators. Default: Not Configured Default: Allow startup key with TPM. Here's the why behind this question: These are laptop computers. LocalPoliciesSecurityOptions CSP: UserAccountControl_OnlyElevateUIAccessApplicationsThatAreInstalledInSecureLocations, Virtualize file and registry write failures to per-user locations Control connections for an app or program. CSP: SystemServices/ConfigureXboxLiveNetworkingServiceStartupMode. Application Guard CSP: Settings/SaveFilesToHost. Custom Firewall rules support the following options: Specify a friendly name for your rule. Default: Not configured WindowsDefenderSecurityCenter CSP: DisableNetworkUI. WindowsDefenderSecurityCenter CSP: CompanyName, IT department phone number or Skype ID Settings that don't have conflicts are added to a superset of policy for the device. The user needs to either sign out and sign in or reboot the computer for this setting to take effect. View the settings you can configure in profiles for Firewall policy in the endpoint security node of Intune as part of an Endpoint security policy. Configure where to display IT contact information to end users. Default: Not configured CSP: MdmStore/Global/DisableStatefulFtp, Enable Packet Queue (Device) CSP: DisableUnicastResponsesToMulticastBroadcast, Disable inbound notifications This setting initiates a client-driven recovery password rotation after an OS drive recovery (either by using bootmgr or WinRE). Microsoft Defender Firewall rule merge isn't based on what's on a device already, but on what policies are configured in Intune and will be applied to a device. Shielded mode will literally isolate any machine that the policy applies to, and block all network traffic. LocalPoliciesSecurityOptions CSP: NetworkSecurity_DoNotStoreLANManagerHashValueOnNextPasswordChange. Specify an idle time in seconds, after which security associations are deleted. Click on Create Profile then select Windows 10 and later as platform type. Default: Allow 48-digit recovery password. Define a different account name to be associated with the security identifier (SID) for the account "Guest". However, if you have more than 50 devices in your network, managing Windows Firewall can become cumbersome. This rule is evaluated at the very end of the rule list. How to enable or disable notifications for Microsoft Defender Firewall To change notifications settings for the firewall activities, use these steps: Open Windows Security. This setting is available only when Clipboard behavior is set to one of the allow settings. Select one or more of the following types of traffic to be exempt from IPsec: Certificate revocation list verification A subnet can be specified using either the subnet mask or network prefix notation. Help prevent actions and apps that are typically used by exploit-seeking malware to infect machines. You can create custom Windows Defender Firewall rules to allow or block inbound or outbound across three profiles - Domain, Private, Public over: Application: You can specify the file path, Windows service, or Package family name to control connections for an app or program. LocalPoliciesSecurityOptions CSP: MicrosoftNetworkClient_SendUnencryptedPasswordToThirdPartySMBServers, Digitally sign communications (always) Provide a description of the rule. BitLocker CSP: EncryptionMethodByDriveType. DeviceGuard CSP, Disable - Turn off Credential Guard remotely, if it was previously turned on with the Enabled without UEFI lock option.. CSP: DefaultInboundAction, More info about Internet Explorer and Microsoft Edge, DisableUnicastResponsesToMulticastBroadcast. Firewall CSP: MdmStore/Global/IPsecExempt. Want to write for 4sysops? Hide last signed-in user Default: Not configured Action CSP: AuthAppsAllowUserPrefMerge, Ignore global port firewall rules Default: Not configured For a home user, it's easy to manage the Windows Firewall. CSP: EnableFirewall. Define the behavior of the elevation prompt for standard users. LocalPoliciesSecurityOptions CSP: NetworkAccess_RestrictClientsAllowedToMakeRemoteCallsToSAM. An IPv4 address range in the format of "start address-end address" with no spaces included. This opens the Microsoft 365 Defender portal at security.microsoft.com, which replaces the use of the previous portal at securitycenter.windows.com. The settings details for Windows profiles in this article apply to those deprecated profiles. When set to Enable, you can configure the following settings: Certificate-based data recovery agent LocalPoliciesSecurityOptions CSP: Accounts_LimitLocalAccountUseOfBlankPasswordsToConsoleLogonOnly, Rename admin account More info about Internet Explorer and Microsoft Edge, Create an endpoint protection device configuration profile, Create a network boundary on Windows devices, Settings/AllowWindowsDefenderApplicationGuard, MdmStore/Global/OpportunisticallyMatchAuthSetPerKM, DisableStealthModeIpsecSecuredPacketExemption, DisableUnicastResponsesToMulticastBroadcast, Add custom firewall rules for Windows devices, SmartScreen/PreventOverrideForFilesInShell, Block credential stealing from the Windows local security authority subsystem (lsass.exe), Block Adobe Reader from creating child processes, Block Office applications from injecting code into other processes, Block Office applications from creating executable content, Block all Office applications from creating child processes, Block Office communication application from creating child processes, Block execution of potentially obfuscated scripts, Block JavaScript or VBScript from launching downloaded executable content, Block process creations originating from PSExec and WMI commands, Block untrusted and unsigned processes that run from USB, Block executable files from running unless they meet a prevalence, age, or trusted list criterion, Block executable content from email client and webmail, Use advanced protection against ransomware, Virus scanning recommendations for Enterprise computers that are running currently supported versions of Windows, ControlledFolderAccessAllowedApplications, integrate Microsoft Defender for Endpoint with Intune, Enterprise Mobility + Security E5 Licenses, Accounts_LimitLocalAccountUseOfBlankPasswordsToConsoleLogonOnly, Devices_PreventUsersFromInstallingPrinterDriversWhenConnectingToSharedPrinters, Devices_RestrictCDROMAccessToLocallyLoggedOnUserOnly, Devices_AllowedToFormatAndEjectRemovableMedia, InteractiveLogon_SmartCardRemovalBehavior, InteractiveLogon_DisplayUserInformationWhenTheSessionIsLocked, InteractiveLogon_DoNotDisplayLastSignedIn, InteractiveLogon_DoNotDisplayUsernameAtSignIn, InteractiveLogon_MessageTitleForUsersAttemptingToLogOn, InteractiveLogon_MessageTextForUsersAttemptingToLogOn, NetworkAccess_RestrictAnonymousAccessToNamedPipesAndShares, NetworkAccess_DoNotAllowAnonymousEnumerationOfSAMAccounts, NetworkAccess_DoNotAllowAnonymousEnumerationOfSamAccountsAndShares, NetworkSecurity_DoNotStoreLANManagerHashValueOnNextPasswordChange, NetworkSecurity_AllowPKU2UAuthenticationRequests, NetworkAccess_RestrictClientsAllowedToMakeRemoteCallsToSAM, NetworkSecurity_MinimumSessionSecurityForNTLMSSPBasedClients, NetworkSecurity_MinimumSessionSecurityForNTLMSSPBasedServers, NetworkSecurity_LANManagerAuthenticationLevel, Shutdown_AllowSystemToBeShutDownWithoutHavingToLogOn, UserAccountControl_OnlyElevateUIAccessApplicationsThatAreInstalledInSecureLocations, UserAccountControl_VirtualizeFileAndRegistryWriteFailuresToPerUserLocations, UserAccountControl_BehaviorOfTheElevationPromptForAdministrators, UserAccountControl_BehaviorOfTheElevationPromptForStandardUsers, UserAccountControl_SwitchToTheSecureDesktopWhenPromptingForElevation, UserAccountControl_DetectApplicationInstallationsAndPromptForElevation, UserAccountControl_AllowUIAccessApplicationsToPromptForElevation, UserAccountControl_RunAllAdministratorsInAdminApprovalMode, MicrosoftNetworkClient_DigitallySignCommunicationsIfServerAgrees, MicrosoftNetworkClient_SendUnencryptedPasswordToThirdPartySMBServers, MicrosoftNetworkClient_DigitallySignCommunicationsAlways, MicrosoftNetworkServer_DigitallySignCommunicationsIfClientAgrees, MicrosoftNetworkServer_DigitallySignCommunicationsAlways, SystemServices/ConfigureXboxAccessoryManagementServiceStartupMode, SystemServices/ConfigureXboxLiveAuthManagerServiceStartupMode, SystemServices/ConfigureXboxLiveGameSaveServiceStartupMode, SystemServices/ConfigureXboxLiveNetworkingServiceStartupMode. From the Platform dropdown list, select Windows 10, Windows 11, and Windows Server. WindowsDefenderSecurityCenter CSP: DisableDeviceSecurityUI. Options include: Opportunistically match authentication set per keying module LocalPoliciesSecurityOptions CSP: MicrosoftNetworkClient_DigitallySignCommunicationsIfServerAgrees. Specify a list of authorized local users for this rule. WindowsDefenderSecurityCenter CSP: Email, IT support website URL When you Allow printing, you then can configure the following setting: Collect logs Default: Not configured Hiding a section also blocks related notifications. Default: Not configured Defender CSP: AttackSurfaceReductionOnlyExclusions, To allow proper installation and execution of LOB Win32 apps, anti-malware settings should exclude the following directories from being scanned: Configure if TPM is allowed, required, or not allowed. Remote address ranges Pre-shared key encoding Check them out! Click on. You also gain access to additional settings for this network. Specify a friendly name for your rule. Default: Not configured dropped from email (webmail/mail client) (no exceptions) Specify the local and remote ports to which this rule applies: Protocol Your email address will not be published. Opportunistically Match Auth Set Per KM (Device) Block unicast responses to multicast broadcasts Defender firewall, users are not local admins, cant allow apps A third part program has been used as firewall. Default: Not configured Rule: Block executable files from running unless they meet a prevalence, age, or trusted list criterion. Use these options to configure the local security settings on Windows 10/11 devices. Admin Approval Mode For Built-in Administrator LocalPoliciesSecurityOptions CSP: NetworkAccess_DoNotAllowAnonymousEnumerationOfSamAccountsAndShares, LAN Manager hash value stored on password change It also prevents third-party browsers from connecting to dangerous sites. BitLocker CSP: SystemDrivesRecoveryOptions. Default: Not configured Help protect valuable data from malicious apps and threats, such as ransomware. Non-critical notifications include summaries of Microsoft Defender Antivirus activity, including notifications when scans have completed. "Windows Defender Firewall has blocked Microsoft Teams on all public, private and domain networks." IPsec Exceptions (Device) Enable Domain Network Firewall (Device) View the Microsoft Windows Defender Firewall settings you can manage with the Microsoft Defender Firewall (ConfigMgr) (preview) profile from Intune. LocalPoliciesSecurityOptions CSP: UserAccountControl_AllowUIAccessApplicationsToPromptForElevation. Default: Not configured Default: Not configured Disable Windows Defender We're concerned about Windows Defender conflicting with our AV (Crowdstrike) and have it disabled via GPO. Default: Not configured Manage Windows Defender Firewall with Intune, Configuring Network Load Balancing (NLB) for a Windows Server cluster, Setting up a virtualization host with Ubuntu and KVM. LocalPoliciesSecurityOptions CSP: Accounts_LimitLocalAccountUseOfBlankPasswordsToConsoleLogonOnly, Local admin account These devices don't have to join domain on-prem Active Directory and are usually owned by end users. 2. Hiding this section will also block all notifications related to App and browser control. Default: Not configured CSP: FirewallRules/FirewallRuleName/App/FilePath, To specify the file path of an app, enter the apps location on the client device. CSP: MdmStore/Global/IPsecExempt, Firewall IP sec exemptions allow ICMP Specify if this rule applies to Inbound, or Outbound traffic. Application Guard CSP: Settings/BlockNonEnterpriseContent, Print from virtual browser Default: Not configured CSP: OpportunisticallyMatchAuthSetPerKM, Preshared Key Encoding (Device) Ensuring that a device is Azure Active Directory compliant, Verify that the Firewall policy has been assigned to the devices, Enable BitLocker for Windows 10 and Windows 11 with Intune on multiple computers, Security with Intune: Endpoint Privilege Management, Retrieve local admin passwords from Active Directory with LAPS WebUI, Windows LAPS now part of the OS; new password security features included, AccessChk: View effective permissions on files and folders, Encrypt Dropbox and OneDrive or with the free Cryptomator, Read NTFS permissions: View read, write, and deny access information with AccessEnum, Restrict logon time for Active Directory users, Show or hide users on the logon screen with Group Policy, Manage BitLocker centrally with AppTec360 EMM, Local password manager with Bitwarden unified, Recommended security settings and new group policies for Microsoft Edge (from 107 on), Save and access the BitLocker recovery key in the Microsoft account, Manage Windows security and optimization features with Microsofts free PC Manager, IIS and Exchange Server security with Windows Extended Protection (WEP), Remove an old Windows certificate authority, Privacy: Disable cloud-based spell checker in Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge. LocalSubnet indicates any local address on the local subnet. Default: Prompt for credentials Interface Types are available in the Microsoft Defender Firewall Rules profile for all platforms that support Windows. Default: Not configured Block inbound connections Folder protection Click Create. CSP: TaskScheduler/EnableXboxGameSaveTask. Firewall CSP: DefaultInboundAction, Authorized application Microsoft Defender Firewall rules from the local store Device performance and health Default: Don't display Keep default settings When you open the Windows Defender Firewall for the first time, you can see the default settings applicable to the local computer. Yes - Turn off all Firewall IP sec exemptions. When you use Specified address, you add one or more addresses as a comma-separated list of remote addresses that are covered by the rule. LocalPoliciesSecurityOptions CSP: UserAccountControl_DetectApplicationInstallationsAndPromptForElevation, UIA elevation prompt without secure desktop To use Tamper Protection, you must integrate Microsoft Defender for Endpoint with Intune, and have Enterprise Mobility + Security E5 Licenses. Tamper protection Microsoft Defender Antivirus (MDAV) is our. Default: AES-CBC 128-bit. Default: Not configured Firewall CSP: FirewallRules/FirewallRuleName/RemoteAddressRanges. How to Enable or Disable the Windows Firewall In order to enable or disable the Windows Firewall, you must first open it, then look on the left column and click or tap the link that says "Turn Windows Firewall on or off." The "Customize Settings" window is now opened. Firewall CSP: FirewallRules/FirewallRuleName/LocalPortRanges. Configure if end users can view the Account protection area in the Microsoft Defender Security Center. It helps prevent malicious users from discovering information about network devices and the services they run. 1. When you enable Credential Guard, the following required features are also enabled: Microsoft Defender Security Center operates as a separate app or process from each of the individual features. Windows Security Center icon in the system tray On X64 client machines: Merge behavior for Attack surface reduction rules in Intune: Attack surface reduction rules support a merger of settings from different policies, to create a superset of policy for each device. Expand the dropdown and then select Add to then specify apps and rules for incoming connections for the app. Default: XTS-AES 128-bit. Clear virtual memory pagefile when shutting down LocalPoliciesSecurityOptions CSP: LocalPoliciesSecurityOptions, Rename guest account CSP: DefaultOutboundAction. Use a Windows service short name when a service, not an application, is sending or receiving traffic. Allow also lets you change the default Security Descriptor Definition Language (SDDL) string to explicitly allow or deny users and groups to make these remote calls. This security setting determines which challenge/response authentication protocol is used for network logons. Intranet (supported on Windows versions 1809+), RmtIntranet (supported on Windows versions 1809+), Internet (supported on Windows versions 1809+), Ply2Renders (supported on Windows versions 1809+). WindowsDefenderSecurityCenter CSP: DisableHealthUI. 6. LocalPoliciesSecurityOptions CSP: Accounts_BlockMicrosoftAccounts, Remote log on without password Add new Microsoft accounts This setting will get applied to Windows version 1809 and above. Certificate revocation list verification (Device) Default: Not configured Configure the default action firewall performs on outbound connections. Family options Default: Not Configured Application Guard CSP: Settings/ClipboardSettings.
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