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264th field artillery battalion

Thanks for the insight. I returned to the University of Illinois and let Uncle Sam pay for my degree in Mechanical Engineering. Also, where did the term red leg come from? Radar transmits these commands back to the missile. German Occupation Forces in Denmark, 7 June 1943 If we had won, the team would be in a fix because a lot of us would be out of the service before the tournament was played. Published: Jun 17, 2016 Total records: 10,633. This really made us feel like little soldiers - lol. A group of Marylanders who had recently returned home from voluntary military training . My dad, Eugene F. Southall, was a field lineman (technician 5th grade) with HQ and HQ Battery. Military History Online, "US Army in World War II: Artillery and AA Artillery." No Frozen Chosan for him again. It was the sheer weight and logistics involved with the operations of the 155mm ammo that was daunting. Each of these sections is responsible for the operation of one 762MM Rocket Launcher. The other calibers were the 8-inch, the 240mm, and the 4.5-inch gun. John Schafner, U.S. Army Ret., Email interivews. to the 35th FA Gp), the other four 280mm battalions (59th, 264th, 265th and 868th FA Bns) remained attached to the 42nd FA Gp, which was assigned to Seventh Army Artillery. Surnames N-R. during WWII ], [ 18th Infantry Division - Did not exist The 762MM Rocket is a short-range weapon designed primarily for targets of opportunity. If he has any pics he would like to share, please send. The size, in itself, does not pose so great a problem because of the high degree of maneuverability. Looking for more information from military/civilian I came to Rivers Barracks while the whole post was at REFORGER, so it was basically empty. A driver and assistant driver rounded out the 105mm section, making for a total of nine men. This happened in March in Germany which can be and was quite cold. FDC cleaned the showers and sinks. We were over here!" History of 66th - 66th Division It was a 155mm howitzer battalion and did fight in the Bulge and in '45. He had a simple strategy if war ever broke out. I have seen them, but I hope to add them to my You Tube channel soon. However, in practice, they just never seemed to fit into the basic operations of the regiment and, in many cases, ended up being used as perimeter defense. The computer compares this information to a standard trajectory and generates commands to keep the missile directed toward the target. FA Btry (762-mm Rocket), 531st I will start checking into the unit ASAP. I'm very rarely stymied, but in this case, hard case. There was a replacement system, but the exigencies of combat left all units in the combat arms (infantry, armor, engineer or artillery) short of men. His service records were burned in the ST Louis fire when I contacted NARA and did get one page which stated he spent 20 months with the 894th Ord HAM Co; however, I don't think that is correct. I have the outfit's schedule from landing at Utah to disbandment in Germany. USAREUR Units - 42nd Arty Gp - USArmyGermany.com My dad was with the 268th FA during the Bulge. The Division has an excellent veterans association which is very helpful to families, see americal.org. At appropriate zenith of its trajectory, the missile's location During the following days, the 26th Field Artillery continued to provide a supporting fire for the 39th Infantry Regiment, as of the 9th of August 1944. The 175 mm guns were usually parked in the same corner, just in front of these corner buildings (just west of them). We were there from Fall 1966 - Feb/Mar 1968. LOL, I often wondered how my old Army buddies turned out. 264th Pioneer Battalions . When I woke up in my sleeping bag the first morning a fire had been started and all our boots were around the fire getting warm. Forward observation team near Cherbourg, France, June 1944. Zaloga, Steven. OPERATIONAL CONCEPTS All us kids were issued dog-tags with our name and my Dad's serial number on them) instead of Army ID cards, which we were used to having back in the States. You can use the email provided on my page. The fire control area consists of three radars, a computer, three van-type trailers and necessary electrical equipment. In a postwar study, the Army noted that the group command structure was one of the keys to success during the war because it permitted the commanders to shift artillery battalions from army to army, corps to corps or even to support individual divisions. You can contact their historian (Dave Curry) or visit their website at: Here is a link from the site: https://83rdinfdivdocs.org/units/908th-fa-bn/. We used to drive there in our White 1966 Volkswagen 1300 (1.3L) which my Dad bought when we first arrived. GPS: 49.359205, -0.855093. Each shell could take up to seven bags of powder, which were wrapped in silk and tied together. While I have found quite a bit of information about his unit, including a book published by the South Dakota Historical Commission, a book by Richard Cropp, and the daily reports for his battery. CJ Kelly (author) from the PNW on May 13, 2020: Hi Mr. Gruber, I do. I remeber my grandpa and uncle looking thru timelife magazine and my grandpa exclaiming "we werent actually there! My father was in the 752 field artillery laying cable, in ww 2, trying to get info on his journey. Every time it was moved, it took hours to get it up and running again. I have found them with XX Corps in the 204th FA Group from March through the end of war with Germany, but I can't find them from Normandy across France. He was a Artillery Mechanic and recently celebrated his 99th birthday! Any predictable range error will result in a computation of a final range correction maneuver which is sent to the missile immediately. One of the members of the 83rd group. during WWII ], [ 20th Infantry Division - Did not exist CJ. The first of three radars is the Acquisition Radar which is a search radar. The three 105mm battalions were assigned to one of the three infantry regiments to support, forming a combat team. From this trailer the Battery Commander directs the acquisition of targets and the firing of the missile. Hello- My grandfather served in WWII with the 20th Field Artillery Batallion as a T/5 with the 155 mm Howitzer I believe. My father was in Battery B 563RD Field Artillery Battalion and he did not talk at all about his service. ORGANIZATION(Feb 1957): (Source: Annual Historical Report 1957-58, HQ USAREUR) Support The 264th Field Artillery Battalion, Latz's unit, landed at Utah Beach in Normandy 10 days after D-Day. 264th Field Artillery Battalion - Army Unit Directory - Together We Served Find 264th Field Artillery Battalion unit information, patches, operation history, veteran photos and more on TogetherWeServed.com. So the personnel without enough points were kept with other units until their time came up. CJ Kelly (author) from the PNW on May 17, 2020: I might have some contacts for you, when you have a minute, just email me. I was allowed to go into the kitchen anytime 24/7 and get food. Our uncle, Richard V. Fritts, was a Technical Fourth Grade in the 993rd Field Artillery Battalion, in the Pacific Theater in 1944 and 1945. The battery is only 25% mobile and is classified as a semi-mobile battery. (5) 27 May 57 to 9 Oct 57: Recon & Survey Officer, B Battery The letter, dated 3 May 1954, shows the Adjutant General, 264th Field Artillery Battalion, requested a copy of the FSM's DD Form 214. Is there a list of the names in his Battery B? My older brother said he got to drive a 2 1/2 ton truck (he was 12). He did not speak of his service- wondering if you have any leads that might help? US Marine artillery crew on Guadalcanal operating a 75mm pack howizter. Looking for more information from military/civilian The use of artillery reached its zenith in World War II. I am trying to write a history of the 147th from November 1940 when his National Guard unit was activated and November 1945 when he was discharged. Any information you have would be great - I'm just trying to put together some detailed information for my sons about their grandfather who served in World War 2. Dr. Foy, Darryle LSSGB - Lead Ops/Logistics Exercise Planner - ITility From what I have gathered he was with 5th Army as part of II Corps and or VI Corps Artillery through North Africa, Italy, then with VI Corps, VII Army through Southern France, and into Germany. The first units which have been described in some detail are the British 15th (Scottish) Infantry Division & British 52nd (Lowland) Infantry Division. And I didn't really think about how the army wouldn't stop practicing, because my father's section, at least, thought they were going on to Japan. It was a Corps Artillery unit. Stay well. I also have a Kemper Military School paper that said he was with battery A of the 666th. This order detonates the three missile warheads simultaneously. The climate was also corrosive to ammunition. The division was formed and had its initial three months of training at Camp Blanding in northeastern Florida. The firing battery, the largest element of the battery, is commanded by the executive officer. FA Msl Bn (Cpl). Other sections cleaned the toilets, others swept the halls and cleaned the common rooms. frameset, 868th That raised the total to 6 - my assignment was to "E" Co, 331st Regt. I would like very much to find out what happened to a large number of the Officers and EM I served with. There were 238 separate field artillery battalions operating in the ETO by the wars end, with 36 105mm and 71 155mm battalions. Thank You for your quick response. The battery control officer, stationed in the battery control trailer, is provided with all of the information and controls necessary to engage targets effectively. had an Alfa Romeo and I remember the Getoggio brothers, enlisted (twins). My Father was a Pvt with Btry B of the 221st Field Artillery Battalion with the Americals in WWII. This left some units in the theater with excess personnel, which they were directed to transfer to other units, including the 265th. The 721st became a transportation unit. Keep me posted on what you find and if you need any clarification. Personal Accounts Record Battle Opened 56 Years Ago (by Mr. Mitchell Kaidy) Who Really Liberated Bastogne? Should have something for you in a few weeks. Their job was to lay, repair, and pick up telephone line. Born in March 1920 in Flagstaff, Arizona, Mr. Mendoza enlisted into the United Army and joined the 264th Field Artillery Battalion saw action in the European Theater in the following battles and campaigns: Northern France, Ardennes (Battle of the Bulge), Rhineland, Central Europe and Battle of Hrtgen Forest. He was there everyday for our stay doing jobs for us. 256th Field Artillery Battalion (8", Trac-D) 265th Field Artillery Battalion (240mm How, Trac-D) 26 9th Field Artillery Battalion (240mm How, Trac-D) 281st Field Artillery Battalion (105mm How, Trk-D) 411th Field Artillery Group, HQ/HQ Battery 548th Field Artillery Battalion (155mm gun, Trk-D) 686th Field Artillery Battalion (155mm how, Trac-D) All possible measures must be taken to preclude identification of the CORPORAL position area. Its strength was 3,300 men. The 66th Division was activated on April 15, 1943 at Camp Blanding, Fl. I lucked out and was given KP duty, which I didnt like at first. I was the Bn Ammo Clerk for Svc 2/92 FA even though my MOS was 13B. We would go to Rivers Barracks every Sunday for mass. 1st Battalion, 151st Field Artillery - Minnesota National Guard FA Bn (280mm Gun), 1st frameset, Victor Gensmer's photos of the 317th Sig Bn (Const), Des Let me know and that can help the search be more specific. Please take as long as you need. So i just wanted some info even if vaguely describes the 282 during the war. I would be interested in the 908 FAB if there is one! The 8-inch gun and 240mm howitzer battalions had a total of six guns per battalion. Retirements and budget cuts have occurred but I will dig into it, let you know what I find. Please note: CJ Kelly (author) from the PNW on January 04, 2018: Hi Mr. England, with regards to the cook lying dead in the photo, it is not him. Enough about me lets talk about the 264th FA Battalion. Great to hear from you. They knew that as soon as an American spotter plane appeared over their positions, it would only take minutes before a massive barrage rained down death and destruction. 66th Infantry Division - U.S. Army Center of Military History We found on the internet a small book with 17 pages called 200th Field Artillery Battalion and gives a brief history and account of their journey from America to England, D-Day and ending up in Czechoslovakia. Hopefully the pictures I have attached are self explanatory. His name was Gayle W. Huston and he died in 1975. Here is where I lose track of him and can find no records of what battalion he was assigned . 8 inch gun Field Artillery Battalions ! Since your dad was assigned in late '43, he probably ended up on Bouganville and then the Philippines. Many times I would climb the fence (8ft with three lines of barbed wire atop it). The artillery commander has at his call a weapon capable of neutralizing strategic-sized targets, yet requiring only a minimum of notification or support. The guidance platoon contains both the operational personnel necessary to guide the missile and the specialist personnel required to maintain the fire control equipment. I am hoping to find any information about my Dad's service and whether my Dad could entitled to this award plus the Army of Occupation Medal. I received orders to return to Camp Chaffee for Artillery training after the normal week off. FAB. The bits and pieces I have seem to point to him being in the 325th FA 84th Infantry Division Railsplitters. Orders are transmitted by the computer to the missile through the missile tracking radar. The gunner places deflection and elevation on the panoramic telescope and traverses the turret electrically to the aiming posts. But overall, finding info on this unit post Bulge is very hard. In one letter, he sent me a color picture of a 400 pound tiger carcass tied to a pole in the middle of one of the firebases. Sgt Pappy Bryant was another gun chief. After a couple of years it dawned on me that I would have to serve my two years with Uncle Sam when I was done with school. (part of the Green Series). I suspect that Sill arrived at the conclusion of WWII that the Btry Exec could manage 2 more guns - certainly from my point of view 18 rounds on the target instead of 12 was going to make a lot more noise. On 01 October 1940, the three battalions of the 26th Field Artillery were re-designated as Artillery, and the old first battalion then became the 26th Field Artillery Battalion. 15 minutes prior to firing the countdown is started. Nor Would . The division headquarters was in Tyumen in a two-story house on Republic street, and the . H&HQ as well as A Btry were there in April 1958 and B & C Btry were at Rivers Barracks. The technical development between the world wars, particularly in the United States, created a system that was second to none. AP580305A . Many Thanks Chuck Armstrong son of Sgt. Besides being in charge of the survey crew he was also the FO when we fired the guns. I remember one of the Lieutenants (a company commander?) CJ Kelly (author) from the PNW on October 15, 2016: Hi Ms. Southall, I would like a picture of your dad in uniform. I'm not sure that the 196th was part of the 79th. I cannot find either a towed 155mm Howitzer or Long Tom 155mm battalion (non-divisional) designated as the 274th. Or you can go to FB, and message me. He enlisted Feb 42 and was sent to Ft Sill, then to CP Bowie TX until deployment 21 Aug 1943 from NY to ETO arriving Oran Algeria 2 Sep 1943. Sorry about that, I've been receiving one request per day lately. I am doing a blog on the 182 letters he wrote home while at Camp McCoy and then in the European Theater. CJ Kelly (author) from the PNW on September 25, 2019: Hi Mike, I think I still have the info. The Lt. then put it in a classified record for use if hostilities broke out. The field was another story all together. When we got there a French unit with about a dozen 20mm cannons were shooting at a wooden tower with a bunch of what looked like Generals with BC scopes watching the results. https://www.globalsecurity.org/military/agency/arm CJ Kelly (author) from the PNW on May 14, 2020: Mr. Poore, thank you very much. FA Btry (762-mm Rocket), 84th Find A Battery, 264th Field Artillery Battalion unit information, patches, operation history, veteran photos and more on TogetherWeServed.com. On an HE round, the ammunition crews could set it for either point detonating (PD) or time superquick (TSQ). The battalion itself is 100% mobile. However I have not been able to discover that fact. The moto-mechanized brigade consisted of head quarters, three tank battalions, a reconnaissance battalion, an infantry battalion, a motorized artillery battalion, a troop transport battalion, special troops, and services. 264th Medical Battalion (210)221-0047/0030 After Hours Duty Phone: (210) 834-7725 2745 Harney Path, Bldg. I rotated home and was discharged October 11, 1956. It is fully mobile and consists of a battalion headquarters, a headquarters and service battery, a firing battery and a medical detachment. There was more interaction between the ranks and you really got to know who you could depend on in the field. The bigger the gun, the more men you needed, though the basic battalion structure for both the 105mm M2A1 and 155mm M1 units was similar regardless of the gun. OPERATIONAL CONCEPTS I was very happy not to be with the gun as we crossed. When target and missile converge, the missile is detonated and the Missile Tracking Radar automatically transfers to the next missile readied for firing. I lived with them mostly from Friday eves to Sunday eves to learn everything about them. Whether it is within a division or as part of a Corps artillery group, the battalion was the primary unit structure for the artillery branch in World War II. Organization [ edit] At the end of the 1956 season we had won enough to get into the 7th Army tournament. The 280mm Gun Battalion is composed of a Headquarters, and a Headquarters and Service Battery, which directs, administers and furnishes logistic support, and three firing batteries of two guns each. The 2nd Battalion 5th Field Artillery was constituted in the Regular Army as a Light Artillery Regiment in January 1907, and organized in May with existing units at Ft. Leavenworth, Kansas and the Philippines. If they received an answer, they had to keep moving, and the procedure was repeated until they did not get an answer. After 5 you could pick up a pass to go to town. Maybe it was just there to scare Russian satellites into thinking we had "one" (a nuke) on the pad ready to go - lol. In theory, it was supposed to provide supplemental firepower for the infantry companies. 105mm crew preparing the shells during training exercise. I have a lot of links and contacts for you. Junior commanders were expected to use their own initiative. If not West Pointers, many were from military schools such as the Virginia Military Institute (VMI) or the Citadel. Communications is by telephone as much as possible for the same reason. If I can find the correct manual from 1940s, I will send tha tover as well. Many 66th Division athletic teams played on another on newly constructed athletic fields. Then the fuse had to be set using a special wrench. Even the famous infantry replacements rarely moved. 66th Infantry Division (United States) | Military Wiki | Fandom I know that Corps Artillery Units are hard to trace and that units were disbanded and soldiers with low points were transferred to other units. But overall, no, the guys rarely moved if the unit was intact. I am interested in any info or interviews. If anyone can share any knowledge or similar experiences, I would appreciate it. On this version, there were no split trailers. Fine article. I also learned the folly of riding a bicycle around a blind corner of the path around the courtyard of the apartment complex at full speed. 3 M 12 81 mm 412 AIRBORNE 40 (H) 32 M-7 Priest 60 36 In November 1944 the division arrived at Camp Shanks, New Jersey, its final stop before being shipped overseas. The dentist put them in a cast, but could not save the left front one. colin hay eye surgery; ss mariposa wwii how did janice nicholls die shawn eckhardt obituary surcheros sauce ingredients ss mariposa wwii shawn eckhardt obituary surcheros sauce ingredients ss mariposa wwii In addition, steering commands received from the computer are transmitted to the missile which directs it toward the predicted intercept point. Events | Museum of the Kansas National Guard Army Regulation 615-365 (Enlisted Personnel . CJ Kelly (author) from the PNW on December 29, 2018: Yes, most units had a yearbook published, one while in the State training. - Did not exist during WWII ], [ 23rd Infantry Division - Did not exist I understand infantry replacement soldiers were moved frequently from divisions but I cannot find information regarding field artillery replacement soldiers. I had always thought that he had 175mm SPHs there. . While in Brittany the 66th Division carried out daily reconnaissance patrols along the one hundred and twelve mile front and conducted periodical artillery fire on the pockets of resistance. Try it out. Field Artillery Battalion in action in Normandy, France in 1944. This assignment was temporary, pending the arrival of replacements. Also, if you have a photo your dad, that would be great. I am incredibly proud of my history and thanks for keeping this alive through your work, i appreciate everything you are doing thank you. 20th Luftwaffe Field Division (forming) 1/,2/,3/39th Luftwaffe Jger Regiment . No, the increase in FO's had no relationship to the increase in number of guns. Within the first couple of weeks the outfit went to the field for training for a week. NEW ! () Gene Bane Stars and StripesBad Kreuznach, West Germany, September, 1956: 264th Field Artillery Battalion soldiers from Battery C's 2nd Gun Platoon, who set a 280mm gun firing record, pose. The firing battery is divided into a guidance platoon and two firing platoons. Controls necessary for premature or delayed detonation of the warheads are incorporated into the system. Thx. With the cessation of hostilities in the Pacific a small part of 66th Division sailed for home in late October 1945. who had been a college math instructor but drank too much and ended up in the Army. To facilitate handling between the ammunition supply point and the battalion position area, the rocket is divided into three major components. Then during the Civil War, the artillery branch began the practice of having red stripes down the side of their pants to distinguish from the infantry (who still wear blue). It seems there was a DP camp over the hill from our position. At the end of the eight weeks a high percentage of the troops were assigned to the 264th FA Btl in Bad Kreuznach, Germany. The HONEST JOHN Missile Battalion is authorized by TO&E, a total of 19 officers, 4 warrant officers, and 261 enlisted men. personnel assigned to or associated with the U.S. Army They would follow a dead line some distance, usually to a place that had just been shelled. You would think I would have realized that after reading your site and getting a LOT of education on what they went through. Dad passed a decade ago, so I started this idea too late to ask him. Arrived Bremerhaven on theUSNS Gen. Butner on 15 Jan 1956 . CJ Kelly (author) from the PNW on May 25, 2017: I believe the 221st was assigned to the Americal Division, which ended up on Guadalcanal at the end of 1942. As you can see from the pictures I sent, the Guns were named Apache and Alley Oop in A Battery, Big Ike and Big Mo in B Battery, and Comanche and Cheryl in C Battery. 264th CSSB CSM :: Fort Bragg - United States Army Batteries were headed by a captain with an exec who was a lieutenant. I also drove a Gamma Goat. The unit ended the war near Hitler's Eagles Nest. World War II unit histories Get this The Cincinnati Enquirer page for free from Tuesday, September 11, 1945 orse Semiannual Inspection Of Autos Pag 6 STICKERS To Remain Valid Even If Council Voles : Keturn Of Kule. I'll post your story. It appears to me to be more pre Bulge. I'm also available on Google + or Twitter. The best was the softball team, we had two very good pitchers, one was a man named Moses and the other was Captain Gardner. Anything out there?? CJ Kelly (author) from the PNW on January 30, 2017: John, go to my homepage and contact me via FB or email, etc. Upon receiving the orders from the firing officer, such as Command Left 10 or Right 20, the key task for the gunner was to get the aiming stakes and the gun sight lined up on the vertical crosshair in the scope. Would such a book exist for all of the FABs? Using the vernacular of today, they could be described as a heavy weapons company on steroids. I remember Rivers Barracks. If too much powder residue built up in the barrel, it could cause a catastrophic explosion when a round was fired. There also was a 155 outfit at Rivers Barracks so there was plenty of competition between the troops. COL Mundinger (deceased) was the commander of the Honest John missile battalion (3rd MSL Bn, 79th Arty). 2791 JBSA-FSH, TX 78234 U.S. Army Element (USAE) After Hours Duty Phone: (210). Each firing platoon contains sufficient personnel to check out, assemble, fuel and fire missiles. Can you help me to find anything about where they went and what they did? That would be common. It is very interesting and quite humbling. Once the fire mission is received at battalion the firing data is computed and final missile preparations are completed. In this request, the assistant adjutant commented that the FSM had been discharged as a master sergeant to accept a battlefield commission as a second lieutenant. My grandfather was in the 282nd fab and i saw you respond to mr. Armstrong in the comments and was hoping that u still had access to the information id love to find out more but its very hard to find info in his personell file bc alot of what they actually did differs from what it says they did. This was important for the married troops who lived off base because it gave them an extra hour and a half in the AM. Extra men were needed just to carry the shells. He talked about working with the howitzers, and even firing them, but apparently he was attached to the Service Battalion. objective area. The setting sleeves also mirrored those on the 105mm ammo. 999th Armored Field Artillery Battalion (155mm) 99th Field Artillery Battalion (105mm) 8219 Artillery Topo Map Service . Lock - United States Army This is the best article I have read on the US Army Field Artillery in World War II. Roy Harmon Obituary - Winter Haven, FL Home Counties Division 44th (Home Counties) Division 44th (Home Counties) Infantry Division John Gatens, U.S. Army Ret., Personal interview, October 17, 2011. But of course, I want More information! Maj. Robert White is a native of West Palm Beach, Florida. Amazingly, those incidents were relatively rare considering the near-constant use that most of the weapons received. Time and time again in postwar interviews, German soldiers mentioned the fear that American artillery engendered along the front lines. CJK. FA Btry (762-mm Rocket), 7th The position area should have good access roads and firm ground as well as good natural cover and concealment. Red and white aiming posts were laid to the rear of the sight, almost in a straight line. My dad died in 1987 and never talked much about the war. Firing positions are prepared in advance and survey completed to a stake which marks the location for the center of the turntable. But it was the work those battalions did in World War II that set the stage for the rest of the 20th Century and beyond. Decades after he got back from Vietnam, he later told me he was moving 155mm howitzers around to different (mobile) firebases.

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264th field artillery battalion